Lust Zine offers the very best in sex tutorials, guides and tips given to you by Erika Lust and sex professionals. We´re helping you have more fun in bed and better sex. Whether you want to learn about a new sex technique, explore a new kink, or have a question about your sexual health, this is the category for you. We’re all constantly thinking about sex and asking ourselves questions such as: "how do i have sex?", "How often should i be having sex?", "How do i prepare for anal sex?"... You’ll find the answers to all of these questions and more right here. But remember, as long as the sex you’re having is consensual and safe, you’re all good.
If you want to watch explicit sex tutorial videos then check out The Lust Ed video series presented to you by the people who know sex the best; adult performers, sex educators, and sex workers. The sex guide videos are completely free and cover an introduction to the topic followed by an explicit demonstration. From anal sex tutorials to lesbian sex tips, this is sex education for adults completely uncensored. Or if you prefer to digest the best sex tips in written form then The Lust Guides to the XConfessions App will give you everything you need to know, covering a huge range of sexy topics from condoms and hand jobs to oral sex and sexual boundaries.
If you want to know more about the world of fetish and kink, the Kink XXXplainers welcome guests to tell us exactly why they love their fetish of choice. From foot fetish to financial domination, this series is sure to open your eyes to another world and you might just find a new sexual interest.
Or if you want to get all of your sexual health questions answered, we have the best sex professionals giving you advice on your sexual health. No topic is off limits and no question is too embarrassing. Explore the Lust Zine Sex category and we guarantee you´ll learn a thing or two about how to have better sex.
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