XConfessions is the award-winning crowdsourced ethical porn project created by acclaimed adult cinema filmmaker Erika Lust. On XConfessions, anonymous members of the public submit their fantasies and experiences, out of which Erika and Guest Directors choose the best every month to interpret into captivating, cinematic explicit films that portray sex and sexuality as healthy, fun, and joyful parts of life.
XConfessions, launched in 2013, marked the initial stride in a mission to pioneer a new era of creative, artistic, and explicit adult cinema propelled by intelligent and sex-positive narratives. It’s a platform for real films with genuine sexual encounters, presenting a solid alternative to the stereotypical mainstream porn imagery. This unique fusion of healthy porn and ethical porn not only seeks to offer adult content but also functions as educational material, actively challenging the long-established norms of the industry.
Each ethical porn film at XConfessions tells a story about what sex and desire feel like, and how we communicate and interact intimately with each other. Each film is visually arresting and goes beyond traditional gender roles and tired stereotypes, pushing the boundaries of fetish, lust, desire, and intimacy. It caters to a diverse audience, offering a perspective often absent in traditional porn and focusing on creating inclusive erotic content for all genders.
XConfessions follows core values of transparent and ethical production. Shootings within this project are conducted in a safe sex environment, and every aspect of the shoot is discussed and agreed upon beforehand with all performers. Moreover, there's a commitment to showcasing as much diversity as possible, aiming to create groundbreaking adult cinema that aligns with the concept of healthy porn, offering an alternative and empowering perspective on sexuality. This dedication to excellence and artistic creativity has redefined the boundaries of what adult films can be, making XConfessions a unique and innovative project within the industry.