The importance of self-care and sexual health can never be understated; the Lust Zine Wellness Series invites various experts and guides to help teach practices that will greater expand what wellness means to you. All episodes of the series are available to watch on my Youtube and right here on Lust Zine for free.
Amanda Lee is a skateboarder and model based in Los Angeles, CA. In this 'a day in the life of' video she takes us through her morning routine, why meditation and self affirmations are important to her, skateboarding, what being a woman in a male dominated sport is like and how she learned to love her body.
Watch the video below to find out more about Amanda Lee.
Q: What does wellness mean to you?
What wellness means, to me, is being in good health; being in good spirits. Not just physical health, but also mental and emotional. My wellness can, and probably will be, way different than your wellness. To have good wellness is to set your own personal goals- whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional- and work towards them to be healthy in any way. That’s wellness to me.
Q: How did you get into skateboarding?
I was in college and there was this skatepark near my first apartment. I would go workout at that park, see a bunch of dudes skateboarding, and think “Oh my gosh, that’d be so sick to learn how to skateboard.” That’s it, it was easy as that. I thought, “I wanna learn how to do that,” and I went for it. I bought a board (probably not a good set up), and it took a lot of balls to do it, but I just showed up at the park. There were about 2 other girls when I first started, and I met them, befriended them, and started skating with them. Surprisingly, where I was from, the guys were very welcoming. They were just like “Heck yeah, let’s all skate together.” That was it! I just saw the skatepark and saw people having so much fun, all ages too, and I wanted to do it. I wanted to be a part of the fun.
Q: How is skating a form of self-care and self-expression?
I can express myself freely on a skateboard, there’s absolutely no rules in skateboarding. You would think that you’re being judged while skateboarding, but it’s so non-judgmental. You can do your own thing on a skateboard. For those who do judge in skating, they’re just kooks.
Q: What do you lust for?
I lust for a no judgment zone. I lust for happiness. I lust for so much! I am lust.
Q: What makes you feel sexy?
I feel sexy when I have my makeup done, my skin is glowing, and my curls are looking mmm! Putting on a nice outfit and going out with the girls, just feeling good. My girls and I hype each other up, and then boom, we’re all instantly feeling sexy.
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