Even though most of us are doing it, masturbation is still shrouded in secrecy and shame - the two perfect ingredients for myths to circulate. So, as it’s masturbation month and I’ve asked you to join me and my team in masturbating every day, what better time than now to debunk some common masturbation myths for once and for all.
Some people worry that if your partner is masturbating it’s a sign that there is something wrong with their relationship or that their partner isn’t sexually fulfilled, but this is not the case at all. Solo sex is completely separate to partnered sex and there are many reasons why someone may choose to masturbate.
To list just a few possibilities: it may be a form of self care, they use it to relax and unwind, they want to try a new toy alone, they're using it as pain relief, it makes them feel good, they’re exploring their body to find out what makes them feel good, it’s faster than partnered sex, they have a high sex drive, they want some alone time, or they might just simply want a fast orgasm without going through the motion of having to give someone else pleasure too! There is nothing wrong with anyone who wants to masturbate when they’re in a relationship and it shouldn't pose any threat to your relationship.
While this is a common belief, masturbation does not cause erectile dysfunction. The overwhelming majority of studies on this topic show that masturbating doesn’t produce any noticeable effects on your ability to develop and maintain an erection. 🍆
No, no, and no! Quite the opposite in fact, masturbation is good for you in so many ways. Here are just a few of the reasons why we should all be masturbating…
As with anything, as long as your masturbation time isn’t getting in the way of your life & responsibilities, you really can’t masturbate too much. As long as you have control over when and why you do it, and it’s making you feel good, then there really is no prescribed amount that you should be doing it!
Let's be very clear on this one: masturbation is not cheating. Whether you're in a relationship or not, your body is your own to give pleasure to. If you want to touch yourself, then touch yourself. No one can tell you not to.
NO, masturbation will not cause you to go blind or make your eyesight bad. I don’t really know what else to say to that…
The jury is most definitely in on this one & masturbation does not cause acne. If you’re getting more spots after masturbating it’s really just a coincidence.
I’m not sure how this one started but no, masturbation has no impact on the size of your penis.
No, no and no. In fact it’s almost the opposite - masturbation is the safest type of sex you can engage in when it comes to STIs. There is almost no chance of contracting an STI from touching yourself. If that doesn’t sound like an invitation to touch yourself then I don’t know what does…
Thank the lord that this isn’t true! Any numbness you feel from a vibrator should go away within a few minutes of stopping use. So no matter how often you’re getting your vibe on, it will not kill any sensitivity down there. Phew!
Celebrate Masturbation Month by joining Lust Zine & Allbodies for a free, explicit online Lust Ed Live masturbation session on Tuesday 25 May hosted by sex educator Myisha Battle and three adult performers. Find out more details and sign up to the free event here. Plus, you'll receive some special masturbation treats while you wait!